Engineering and Construction IT Services

Complete, end-to-end monitoring, management and maintenance of your computer network

Manhattan Engineering & Construction

Manhattan IT Support recognizes the unique needs of the engineering and construction industry. The industry combines many different works like project management, procurement, finance, architecture, and much more. Engineering & Construction firms require IT support from people who understand these unique needs and understand the IT solutions that are used in the industry. A construction firm has to manage all the inputs and outputs of the construction. An engineering team has to ensure collaboration between architects, engineers, regulators, designers, and many other stakeholders.


We help engineering and construction firms meet their strategic objectives by providing unparalleled IT support. The considerable experience we have in the local industry empowers us and allows us to complete tasks without being disruptive. We know how scheduling works when it comes to engineering and construction firms and what times are appropriate for IT work. We are also aware of the special requirements that construction sites have and ensure that we meet all of them. Our specialists do not feel out of place in the field; they know the ins and outs of the industry.

We are especially aware of the many different project management suites being used in the industry and help our clients with them. Normal IT support companies are only good for solving non-industry specific problems and cannot provide the support that Engineering & Construction firms need. We can and that is why the local construction industry has given us so many clients. They are surprised and pleased when they talk to us and see that we already understand their business processes.

With our IT support you can go on and create structures that will stand the test of time, because we will be here ensuring that your information technology infrastructure provides you with the speed and efficiency that you need. We will ensure that your project management doesn’t come to a halt just because of IT issues.

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Flat-Fee, All Inclusive Manhattan Based IT Services

Call us today to discuss our approach to dealing with IT issues.

Fill out the contact form or Call 1-646-681-1238 to get started

Benefits & Advantages our IT Support Services

Manhattan Managed IT Services

Cybersecurity intelligently designed to flex with your organization’s appropriate risk-level appetite.

Our clients’ data is always secured, thanks to our comprehensive cloud backup solutions.

Cloud services enable companies to work remotely from anywhere in the world.

Fixed pricing managed services that solve pesky computer problems while their still small, alleviating the potential for costly downtime.

Our IT Services allow information technology to act as a backbone to your growth.

Reliable phone service at a fraction of what you are currently paying the traditional phone company.

Manhattan’s Most Trusted IT Support Company

We are a full-service Manhattan Tech Support company serving Manhattan and the five boroughs.

At a fixed monthly fee; we take a proactive approach to provide cost-effective business IT support
that is aligned with your business goals.

Brooklyn | Queens | Manhattan | The Bronx | Staten Island

Managed IT support Manhattan
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